Saturday, August 4, 2012

Bemidji Dragon Boat Festival

In early August, we headed up to Bemidji to watch the dragon boat races which were a real hoot. This very colorful event had large canoe type boats with 22 paddlers, oarsman/steerer and a coxswain. Not sure that the person beating on a drum and calling the strokes is correctly called a coxswain in a dragon boat but it sounds good.
They had  eight boats and raced four at a time. While the four were racing, they loaded the other four. As you can see, the crews were made up young to old male and female.

 The coxswains beat on the drums, some shouted and others waved their arms in a rhythmical fashion.
 Note the middle coxswain with the orange gloves and the one in the foreground with one hand for herself and one for the boat. It just dawned on me that all of the coxswains were female. Wonder why?

 As you can see the competition was fierce.
 They did seem to be having fun, however!

 No pain. No glory. So these folks apparently are in line for much glory.
 Check out the determination on these faces. The coxswain is urging every bit of intestinal fortitude she can get from her rowers.

 She's happy because they won their race.
 The old folks give their all.
 The merchants of Bemidji turned the downtown area into a giant rummage sale and this clerk went all out with blue hair.
 Some ladies put on a demonstration of gypsy dancing at the historical museum and seemed to have a grand time. It was interesting to watch.
 It isn't only the athletes that have courage.