Thursday, July 24, 2008

Rough Seas

Last week we had some rough surf conditions with waves up to twelve feet. There was an awesome amount of beach erosion, which can be expected on such a dynamic barrier island.

Will, being the confirmed surfer guy, insisted on surfing in the rough water. We were concerned for his safety since the seas were really mixed up and just getting out past the breakwater was tough. Of course there were also rip tide warnings.

Patty asked Will to not go out unless someone else was with him, in case he got in trouble and help needed to be summoned. Being the level headed guy that he is, Will agreed and preceded to have a ball surfing. I got tired just watching him going through the breakwater.

He caught a couple of good waves and appeared to have a ball in the rough water. Since surfing means a great deal to him, we were pleased to see him have such a good time. Will is obviously in great shape to be able to handle these surf conditions for an extended period of time.

Our intrepid surfer came out of the water tired with a grin on his face, and Patty and I breathed a sigh of relief.

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