Monday, October 24, 2011

Arches National Park

Those who know me well have probably been wondering why there hasn't been a rant yet. Here goes! Having volunteered at a number of public lands locations and having seen what unthinking people can do to the land and wildlife makes us a little sensitive to wanton stupidity. Though trails were clearly marked (several languages) asking people to stay on the trails and not trample the vegetation, we saw a number of people not just get off the trails but stomp through vegetation they could have walked around. French speaking Canadians were the worst and Germans were the most obnoxious. I'll never talk about rude American tourists again. We don't even finish close to the top. Please folks!!! When on public lands, follow the rules. The rules are there to protect the habitat and the animals, and not to make it hard for you. Nuff said!

Okay, I'm using the word "awesome" way to much. Arches is just absolutely mind blowing.
I'll keep the verbage to a minimum and just post a few comments here and there so ya'll will understand what is happening.

Looks like some kid piled up a bunch of rocks.

Then there was the giant balancing act.

We couldn't help making up names for features that reminded us of things from the past. Mr. Magoo.

Then there were plants growing in improbable places.

Rock canyons leading to magical places. No hyperbole here!

Pat on the path to a very special arch.

The deeper we went, the cooler it got and the more magical it felt.

Deeper and deeper into the canyon surrounded by rock walls and embraced by the colors.

Murals painted by wind and water.

Turning to the right, we found it. WOW!

Adding to the magic, we looked up and there was the moon. Totally neat!

I decided to peer into a rock opening since there had to be some little people hidden there.

Coming out we saw this knarled old tree.

Another arch which was a short distance from Sand Arch.

Worth the walk.

Chipmunks which were a bit different from the ones at home.

Actually two arches side by side. You can only see through from another angle.

View of the left arch.

The intrepid travelers.

After leaving Arches, we went along the Colorado River Riverway. Neat but repetitious of Canyonlands.

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