Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Trip to Bemidji and Black Duck

The folks here in Minnesota seem to like their larger than life statues especially ones of Paul Bunyon.

Pat is sitting on the boot of the Paul Bunyon statue in Akeley Minnesota which has a cute little rest area adjacent. Across Highway 34 is Paul's Purple Cow Ice Cream Parlor, and it didn't seem to matter that Babe wasn't a purple cow but was a blue ox. Next to the Purple Cow is Babe's Cut and Curl. You have to appreciate the humor of the Minnesota people. UhYep!

 This statue of Paul and his blue ox Babe is in Bemidji Minnesota which may be the small city with the most statues.
 This is a very large statue in Bemidji of a dancing brave. The area around Bemidji has a large Ojibwa  population and not far from Tamarac is the White Earth Ojibwa reservation. The Ojibwa won this territory by defeating the Sioux and then, like many other Indian Tribes were screwed out of their land by European settlers. When Ralph Nader ran for president in 1996 and 2000, his VP candidate was  Winona LaDuke. She founded the White Earth Reservation, still lives here and leads the fight to reclaim the Ojibwa lands unfairly seized by the US in violation of their treaties.
This statue is also in Bemidji
Hockey statue in Bemidji

While Pat was doing some shopping, I noticed this woman talking on her cell phone
next to one of Bemidji's more interesting pieces of art work. Wish the lighting had been better
but it is still a pretty interesting photo.

In a little town named Black Duck we attended a woodcarver and craft show. Many of the carvings were just outstanding and had a great deal of detail.

Notice the very life like carving of the woman in the background.

This was carved from one tree trunk.

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