Thursday, April 17, 2008

Trial Put Dayton on the Map

We left this morning headed for Decatur Indiana for a visit with Patty's (my adopted) Aunt Jean and then to we will go to Elkhart Indiana to join Terry and Dale for the RV Capital Rally. From there we will head to Dayton Ohio to have fun with the grandkids while daughter inlaw Sara recovers from surgery. We started this trip with the idea that we wouldn't drive an inch on an interstate so we are following US and state highways all the way.
Since Patty had her run in with creationists over the teaching of evolution, we have had a keen interest in any legal matters between creationists and science so it was sort of dejavu when we discovered that we would be going through Dayton Tennessee. Dayton was the location of the famous Scopes monkey trial in July 1925. Two famous politicians William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darrow had at it during those hot, muggy and tense days of summer. Both of these guys had oratory styles that is lacking in modern politics and style. William Jennings Bryan wore a pith helmet during those hot days of summer and the wrinkles in his suit were testimony to the humidity.

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