Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Stupid People

Every night we go for a walk on the beach which should be a relaxing peaceable time and it is mostly, but at times one can get fed up with fellow members of the human race. After the first night's walk we started carrying two bags with us, one for shells and the other for the detritus of human habitation. Shells like this one make the walks comfortable communes with nature and add a bit of beauty to the day, but inches away reality awaits.

Then there are the bags upon bags of things thrown away by humans. I know that many people live sheltered lives and haven't seen the numerous TV adds and written articles about the danger of plastics to marine animals and sea turtles in particular. It seems that sea creatures who make jelly fish part of their diet confuse plastic for jelly fish and ingest them as we would a seafood buffett. The problem is that plastics violate the rule of "What goes in must come out", and thus obstruct the digestive systems of the animals. This party balloon and water bottle floated ashore together. I wonder if they went to the same party.

If you are real fortunate, you will find someone's discarded refrigerator on the beach. Since we have found numerous plastic bags which once contained ice and now a refrigerator perhaps we will stumble on an empty keg and can have a keg party sans college students.
The thing that is so disheartening at times is finding junk in the middle of beauty as in this display of various shells with a chunk of plastic smack dab in the middle. I guess this is the modern meaning of ambiance. Perhaps the planet is beyond saving or at least humans are. After observing the abject crass behavior of our kind at the very edge of life's beginning, I think we deserve everything we get plus some.

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